Bee Keeping Group Meet at Highank Orchards

A group of bee keepers met on Saturday at Highbank Organic Orchards to talk and discuss bee keeping with Tom Prendergast.

The visiting group of Bee keepers to Highbank Orchards, consisted of new and experienced members with a talk and bee knowledge from the experienced Tom Prendergast.
Rod Calder-Potts of Highbank Orchards, emphasised, "how wonderful it was to see so many people taking an interest in starting bee keeping. With the devastation causes by chemical spraying to insect life, it is essential to try and increase our native bee population not only for pollination of our fruits but for future generations.' Having had a glass of Highbank Organic Apple Juice and a general discussion on planting for bees on organic farms,the group wandered up to visit, and commune, with the hives.Thank you for visiting from all at Highbank.