DELICIOUS IRELAND Highbank Orchard Syrup at Selfridges London

Highbank Orchard Syrup along with other 50 artisan Irish food producers and Irish Chefs took part in Delicious Ireland at Selfridges Food Hall.

Between 10th and the 29th of April there was little bit of London’s West End that became part of Ireland. For three weeks the Selfridges Food Hall was a hub for Irish artisan food producers. Therewas something special happening every day whether it is a masterclass from an Irish chef like Richard Corrigan; Darina Allen; Ross Lewis or Kevin Dundon - or an opportunity to meet several specialist Irish food producers all of whom are passionate about their products.

“Great dishes start with sourcing the best possible ingredients, and for me that means buying Irish” Richard Corrigan

It was great time to get shopping, among the 50 Irish products on offer at Selfridges there was a number that were exclusive and had never been brought into Britain before. There were award winning cheeses; smoked fish; breads and cakes; cured meats; chocolates; butchery; whiskeys…

“In the Selfridges Food Hall we’ve brought together over fifty artisan products from Ireland. We’re celebrating some of the best food in Europe” Ewan Venters, Selfridge’s Director of Food and Restaurants.