Vegan Pancakes by Rua Foods

Alice from Rua food shared this recipe as a delicious alternative to traditional pancakes. You don't have to be vegan to enjoy this fab recipe.


125g plain flour

¼ tsp baking soda

1 pinch sea salt

120ml oat milk

150ml water

45g full-fat coconut milk

45g brown sugar

Sunflower oil for greasing


In a medium-sized mixing bowl, sift together the flour, baking soda, and salt. In another small mixing bowl, whisk together the oat milk, water, coconut milk, and brown sugar until well combined.

Add the wet ingredients to the dry, stirring until just combined and making sure there are no lumps.

Lightly oil or grease a frying pan. Heat over medium-high heat until hot. Cook one pancake at a time, adding about 60ml batter to the pan and swirling to coat the bottom of the frying pan as evenly as possible with batter. Cook for about 1 minute, or until small bubbles appear all over the surface, flip and cook the other side of the pancake until golden.

Please remember the cardinal rule of pancake making; the first one is never good.

Transfer to a plate and repeat with the remaining batter until it’s all gone and you can devour your pancakes with Highbank Apple Syrup, Highbank apple treacle, vegan chocolate nut spread, or good old-fashioned sugar and lemon.